Christina Sadler is an artist that captures moments of mindfulness

Her paintings transcend the mundane, inviting viewers into a contemplative dialogue with the present. Encouraging viewers to pause, reflect, and focus on what truly matters.

Haze Collection

Haze Collection

The gentle blurring of colours creates a visual representation of nature's ever-changing... 



During my painting process, I play with loss of control, I allow... 

Finding Balance: The Alchemy of Art, Nature, and Life

Christina's work explores the connection between the ever-changing rhythms of the natural world and human experience. Inspired by the unpredictable ebb and flow of life's uncertainties, Christina's painting process mirrors this fluidity, allowing paint to flow and shift organically, echoing nature's constant change. Using paint to create layers by careful repair and rebuilding, she captures the essence of resilience, reflecting on the cyclical nature of existence.

Simultaneously, the act of painting serves as a grounding force, compelling Christina to slow down and embrace the present moment. In this mindful state, she discovers a profound sense of peace, infusing her creations with moments of calm and introspection. Each finished work becomes a tangible reminder - a physical presence in the world - encouraging viewers to pause, reflect, and focus on what truly matters.